
Tracking Funds for Indispensable Partners

Paris, Nov 6-7, 2023

photo: Renan Khisetje


The workshop aims to improve funding access for Indigenous Peoples and local communities, addressing existing gaps in data collection and monitoring. Our goal is to come out with actionable recommendations, emphasising systematic monitoring for informed policy, accountability, and impactful strategies to direct funding to the peoples and communities protecting the world’s richest ecosystems.

The Global Alliance of Territorial Communities is a co-organizer as it continues to implement the Shandia Platform’s strategy. 

Objectives & Outcomes

The overall objective of this initiative is to enhance the access of Indigenous Peoples and local communities to funding that underpin their role as indispensable partners for reaching the targets of the Paris Agreement on climate change, the Global Biodiversity Framework and the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development. 

More specifically, the workshop will discuss:

The expected outcome is a set of actionable recommendations for:

photo: Rkam Nusantara


Please download the program for the two day workshop below, it is available in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.

photo: Priscila Tapajowara

Concept Note

To read more on the workshop, the background information and the stakeholders we will address, please download the concept note below. It is available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.

Report & Roadmap

During the workshop, participants delved into meaningful discussions on methods for tracking pledged funds to Indigenous Peoples and local communities. Together, they crafted a shared roadmap to guide their efforts and achieve collective outcomes. 

photo: Rkam Nusantara


The workshop is organised by the Global Alliance of Territorial Communities and Charapa with the support of Indigenous Peoples Rights International, International Funders of Indigenous Peoples, Rainforest Foundation Norway, Rainforest Foundation US, Rights and Resources Initiative, Tinta, United Nations Development Programme and the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. The workshop is organised with financial support from the Ford Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation and the Christensen Fund.

To keep up with news from the indigenous and local community guardians, sign up here.

Contact us

General inquiries:
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Press & media:
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Rainforest Foundations US is our fiscal sponsor. For any letters and parcels, please direct to:

Rainforest Foundation US
P.O. Box 26908
Brooklyn, NY 11202


Articulação Dos Povos Indígenas Do Brasil

The Articulation of the Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB), was created by indigenous movement at Terra Livre Camp (ATL) 2005. It is an instance of national reference of the indigenous movement in Brazil, bringing together indigenous organizations at the regional level, created from the bottom up. APIB’s purpose is to strengthen the unity of Indigenous Peoples, the articulation between different indigenous regions and organizations; mobilizing Indigenous Peoples and organizations against threats and aggressions.